当动作集具有良好的曲率时,我们在任何线性匪徒算法产生的设计矩阵的特征矩阵上介绍了一个非呈现的下限。具体而言,我们表明,每当算法的预期累积后悔为$ o(\ sqrt {n})$时,预期设计矩阵的最低特征值将随着$ \ omega(\ sqrt {n})$的增长而生长为$ n $是学习范围,动作空间在最佳臂周围具有恒定的Hessian。这表明,这种作用空间在离散(即分离良好的)动作空间中迫使多项式下限而不是对数下限,如\ cite {lattimore2017end}所示。此外,虽然先前的结果仅在渐近方案(如$ n \ to \ infty $)中保留,但我们对这些``本地富裕的''动作空间的结果随时都在。此外,在温和的技术假设下,我们以高概率获得了对最小本本特征值的相似下限。我们将结果应用于两个实用的方案 - \ emph {model selection}和\ emph {clustering}在线性匪徒中。对于模型选择,我们表明了一个基于时期的线性匪徒算法适应了真实模型的复杂性,以时代数量的速率指数,借助我们的新频谱结合。对于聚类,我们考虑了一个多代理框架,我们通过利用光谱结果,该框架来证明该框架,该框架,该框架,该框架通过光谱结果,该频谱结果,该框架的结果,该频谱结果,该框架的结果,该频谱结果该框架,该框架的结果不需要强制探索 - 代理商可以运行线性匪徒算法并立即估算其基本参数,从而产生低遗憾。
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我们考虑一个不当的强化学习设置,在该设置中,为学习者提供了$ M $的基本控制器,以进行未知的马尔可夫决策过程,并希望最佳地结合它们,以生产一个可能胜过每个基本基础的控制器。这对于在不匹配或模拟环境中学习的跨控制器进行调整可能很有用,可以为给定的目标环境获得良好的控制器,而试验相对较少。在此方面,我们提出了两种算法:(1)一种基于政策梯度的方法; (2)可以根据可用信息在基于简单的参与者(AC)方案和天然参与者(NAC)方案之间切换的算法。两种算法都在给定控制器的一类不当混合物上运行。对于第一种情况,我们得出融合率保证,假设访问梯度甲骨文。对于基于AC的方法,我们提供了基本AC案例中的固定点的收敛速率保证,并在NAC情况下为全球最优值提供了保证。 (i)稳定卡特柱的标准控制理论基准的数值结果; (ii)一个受约束的排队任务表明,即使可以使用的基本策略不稳定,我们的不当政策优化算法也可以稳定系统。
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Q-learning and SARSA(0) with $\epsilon$-greedy exploration are leading reinforcement learning methods, and their tabular forms converge to the optimal Q-function under reasonable conditions. However, with function approximation, these methods exhibit strange behaviors, e.g., policy oscillation and chattering, convergence to different attractors (possibly even the worst policy) on different runs, etc., apart from the usual instability. Accordingly, a theory to explain these phenomena has been a long-standing open problem, even for basic linear function approximation (Sutton, 1999). Our work uses differential inclusion theory to provide the first framework for resolving this problem. We further illustrate via numerical examples how this framework helps explain these algorithms' asymptotic behaviors.
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许多工业和安全应用程序采用套件传感器,用于检测时间行为模式的突然变化。这些突然的变化通常在本地显现,只渲染一个小型传感器信息。由于资源约束,每个传感器的连续监视可能是昂贵的,并且作为强盗最快转换点检测问题的动机,其中顺序地选择感测动作(或传感器),并且仅观察到对应于所选动作的测量。我们在有限的有限参数化概率分布的一般类别的检测延迟上获得了一个信息 - 理论下限。然后,我们提出了一种计算上有效的在线传感方案,这无缝地平衡了对不同传感选项的需求,利用查询信息行动。我们推导出拟议方案的预期延误界限,并表明这些界限在低误报率下以低误报率下限,建立了所提出的方法的最优性。然后,我们对合成和实时数据集进行了许多实验,证明了我们提出的方法的有效性。
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The paper presents a cross-domain review analysis on four popular review datasets: Amazon, Yelp, Steam, IMDb. The analysis is performed using Hadoop and Spark, which allows for efficient and scalable processing of large datasets. By examining close to 12 million reviews from these four online forums, we hope to uncover interesting trends in sales and customer sentiment over the years. Our analysis will include a study of the number of reviews and their distribution over time, as well as an examination of the relationship between various review attributes such as upvotes, creation time, rating, and sentiment. By comparing the reviews across different domains, we hope to gain insight into the factors that drive customer satisfaction and engagement in different product categories.
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Automated offensive language detection is essential in combating the spread of hate speech, particularly in social media. This paper describes our work on Offensive Language Identification in low resource Indic language Marathi. The problem is formulated as a text classification task to identify a tweet as offensive or non-offensive. We evaluate different mono-lingual and multi-lingual BERT models on this classification task, focusing on BERT models pre-trained with social media datasets. We compare the performance of MuRIL, MahaTweetBERT, MahaTweetBERT-Hateful, and MahaBERT on the HASOC 2022 test set. We also explore external data augmentation from other existing Marathi hate speech corpus HASOC 2021 and L3Cube-MahaHate. The MahaTweetBERT, a BERT model, pre-trained on Marathi tweets when fine-tuned on the combined dataset (HASOC 2021 + HASOC 2022 + MahaHate), outperforms all models with an F1 score of 98.43 on the HASOC 2022 test set. With this, we also provide a new state-of-the-art result on HASOC 2022 / MOLD v2 test set.
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We consider the problem of continually releasing an estimate of the population mean of a stream of samples that is user-level differentially private (DP). At each time instant, a user contributes a sample, and the users can arrive in arbitrary order. Until now these requirements of continual release and user-level privacy were considered in isolation. But, in practice, both these requirements come together as the users often contribute data repeatedly and multiple queries are made. We provide an algorithm that outputs a mean estimate at every time instant $t$ such that the overall release is user-level $\varepsilon$-DP and has the following error guarantee: Denoting by $M_t$ the maximum number of samples contributed by a user, as long as $\tilde{\Omega}(1/\varepsilon)$ users have $M_t/2$ samples each, the error at time $t$ is $\tilde{O}(1/\sqrt{t}+\sqrt{M}_t/t\varepsilon)$. This is a universal error guarantee which is valid for all arrival patterns of the users. Furthermore, it (almost) matches the existing lower bounds for the single-release setting at all time instants when users have contributed equal number of samples.
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Speech-centric machine learning systems have revolutionized many leading domains ranging from transportation and healthcare to education and defense, profoundly changing how people live, work, and interact with each other. However, recent studies have demonstrated that many speech-centric ML systems may need to be considered more trustworthy for broader deployment. Specifically, concerns over privacy breaches, discriminating performance, and vulnerability to adversarial attacks have all been discovered in ML research fields. In order to address the above challenges and risks, a significant number of efforts have been made to ensure these ML systems are trustworthy, especially private, safe, and fair. In this paper, we conduct the first comprehensive survey on speech-centric trustworthy ML topics related to privacy, safety, and fairness. In addition to serving as a summary report for the research community, we point out several promising future research directions to inspire the researchers who wish to explore further in this area.
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The automated synthesis of correct-by-construction Boolean functions from logical specifications is known as the Boolean Functional Synthesis (BFS) problem. BFS has many application areas that range from software engineering to circuit design. In this paper, we introduce a tool BNSynth, that is the first to solve the BFS problem under a given bound on the solution space. Bounding the solution space induces the synthesis of smaller functions that benefit resource constrained areas such as circuit design. BNSynth uses a counter-example guided, neural approach to solve the bounded BFS problem. Initial results show promise in synthesizing smaller solutions; we observe at least \textbf{3.2X} (and up to \textbf{24X}) improvement in the reduction of solution size on average, as compared to state of the art tools on our benchmarks. BNSynth is available on GitHub under an open source license.
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